Writing Commissions

A Story’s End

‘A Story’s End’ is a short 4-page story that I line-edited. It was for the author’s personal use. It follows the reaper as they help people through their final moments and pass on to the other side. In keeping with the writer’s original tone, I kept the vagueness about the main character’s actions throughout but got rid of extraneous details. Working with the author to have a mixture of short, punchy sentences amongst longer, more descriptive ones. Changing the tense of the story from a mixture of past and present to ultimately present tense.


Archive of Our Own Logo

‘Tempered’ is a 34-page detective murder mystery story for which I line-edited and drafted action scenes. It’s published on Archive of Our Own and was created for the author’s own enjoyment and the anime community she moderates as an early holiday present. When I was brought on, a majority of the story was already written except for two fight scenes that the author asked me to draft for her. Once drafted, we line-edited and corrected any tense mistakes to have them match the present tense.

Untitled Comic

I was contracted to create a design document for a comic currently under production that lays out the color palettes for characters, shading references, and typography fonts that will be used in their comic. The document is arranged with the most frequent character palettes first to the least for easy access for the artists who would need to check the document.