Simulations for Singapore General Hospital

This blood transfusion training simulation was created for the Singapore General Hospital to assist in testing trainee nurses and doctors on the proper blood transfusion procedure. I was the project manager for a team of three. I managed scheduling weekly meetings with our clients at the Hospital and presenting updated demonstrations of the simulation for hospital staff, creating timeframes for deliverables, divvying up tasks between my team and our employer’s team, as well as managing several documents that would keep track of art assets progress, developer bugs and client feedback that would need to be implemented in the simulation.

Blood Transfusion Simulator (2021)

Blood Transfusion Game Annex

This excel sheet was made in conjunction with one of the nurses at the hospital to clear up misunderstandings and to lay out the steps a player would need to complete to get a passing score on this assessment. We worked together to ensure that the vernacular used between the two teams was easily understood and void of any technical jargon. Enabling the project to get back on track and creating a system for excel information exchange that we kept for the remainder of the project.

May 2021 Update Document

In conjunction with using excel sheets to keep track of the overall game goals, we would have weekly update documents that would address every concern or error that hospital staff received on their end while testing the simulation. Any bullet point that was highlighted was an error they wanted us to fix first. We would ensure that we completed all highlighted tasks on the document before the next weekly meeting. At the meeting, I gave a live demonstration of the updated simulation and sent them a document with any still incomplete errors or new errors that my team found throughout the week that the hospital team should be aware of. From there, the hospital team would try out the simulation on their end and repeat the cycle.

New Emergency Warning System (2022)

During the opening months of 2022, our team was brought onto another simulation to work on the initial draft and planning phases for a different simulation called the NEWS game. NEWS stands for the ‘New Emergency Warning System’; it’s a ranking system the Singapore hospital uses to delineate which emergency room patients are deteriorating faster than others so they can take care of their needs first. I was part of the interim team while the hospital worked to secure a second team to complete the remainder of the NEWS simulation.

Patient Information NEWS

There are five patients in this simulation. For each patient, I had their stats in an excel sheet that would describe tasks the player would need to do to either succeed or fail the level. To be able to complete the level successfully, the trainee would have to pay close attention to each patient’s vitals, animations, and coloring to figure out what was wrong with them and where they fell on the hierarchy of the NEWS grading scale.

NEWS task sheet

For the NEWS game, I created an excel spreadsheet to keep all tasks and errors in one place. This document became our new system in lieu of the weekly updating of documents and allowed us to consolidate task distribution. The hospital team would come in and add additional tasks or errors that they would find.

Example UI Icons

Example of icons used to display information and give feedback to the trainee on vital simulation information that replaced placeholder icons.